We must apply common sense and logic to all situations in our lives. Adults have the responsibility to care for children. Adults include parents. . . as well as judges with the State Legislatures. For any adult, including judges, to consider English common-law marriage for twelve-year-old girls and fourteen-year-old boys is insane. These English laws are hundreds of years old, proven antiquated, and illogical. A twelve-year-old girl may at times want to satisfy her sexual desires, but a twelve year old is an undeveloped person. Adult perverts exploit her and put her into a life-long situation that she cannot mentally or emotionally understand. In marriage, sexual intercourse is expected. Sexual intercourse is ignorant sex for any twelve years old and no child should have sex with an adult pervert she is forced to marry child marriage. All mentally stable adults have the responsibility to guide children and protect them. Children cannot defend themselves, properly care for themselves, or be expected to make wise decisions. Life can be so wonderful and very beautiful for children and young people. . . if adult humans in our earth's society don't screw it up. I challenge everyone to just look around their own small environment, their own city, their own state, and of course at the sad world situation. Every day throughout the world millions of children are mistreated. They are used as child soldiers to make ignorant warlords feel important. The industrial nations support countries like China that uses child-slave labor to produce the incredibly cheap merchandise they sale. America criticizes Mexico and China for its child labor laws, yet supports their child slave labor by trading with them. Child prostitution and the international child sex slavery is a multibillion dollar Mafia business, but the Mafia is allowed to stay in business. There are some pervert State Legislatures who want to consider antiquated English common-law marriages for twelve year old children. When will we stop this criminalityChildren need to be learning, playing, and having good times free from adult responsibility and mistreatment. Childhood flies by so quickly. We must allow children the opportunity to enjoy their childhood by protecting them. Parents, all citizens, and every single individual associated in any way with organized religions have a full time job solving social problems such as eliminating hunger on earth, protecting children, and preventing wars. They also have a responsibility to protect children by insuring effective sex education and by encouraging the logical and accepted alternative to sexual intercourse. (c) Gene Hudgens.