Marriages in India are connected with the most scared and auspicious occasions in the family. There are a number of times, when Puja take place in Indian families, but Puja in marriages are performed with a total different purpose. They are carried out to bless the new couple for their married life. Blessings from the God and elders are considered to be very important part of the marriages in India, without which the wedding ceremonies are said to be incomplete. There are a number of ceremonies and functions in Indian weddings, which completes a wedding ceremony and adds flavor of happiness child marriage. Every second wedding in India has different customs, because of the presence of different religions and communities present. Religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, has followers present in different parts of the country therefore, portray different cultures. One of the communities hailing from Brahmin background is Kokanastha Brahmin who follow different customs, with respect to the region they live in and the religion they belong to. Kokanastha people also known as Chitpavan are the Brahmin community of Konkani. They are popularly referred as the Smarta Brahmin community. Due to their origin from Maharashtra region, they prominently use Marathi language for the purpose of communication. child marriage The matrimonies in the Kokanastha culture are performed according to the Brahmin cultures. Most of their customs are celebrated according to the Hindu traditions. Kokanastha matrimony is celebrated with great pomp and show, with the mix of Marathi cultures. The wedding arrangements, ambiance and the cultural practices in Kokanastha matrimonies are very much similar to the community they belong to. The influence of the regional practices can be seen on the customs and traditions of the wedding ceremonies of any religion. Like all other marriage in India, Kokanastha matrimonials are considered incomplete without the blessings of the elders. They traditionally belong to a priestly class and therefore the matrimonial practices in Kokanastha community are performed with high precision. The wedding ceremonies serve vegetarian food as these people follow a pure vegetarian diet. Groundnut and sunflower oil are used as the cooking medium in Kokanastha families. They have a rich culture and most of them are well educated and earn a handsome living while engaged in various respected professions. Monogamy is prevalent in Kokanastha community and child marriage is abandoned now. In Kokanastha matrimonies, marriage match is searched by the parents of the bride and groom and prior consent of the children are taken before tying their wedding knot with each other. With time, Indian families have adopted the culture of consulting their children before fixing their marriage, rather than forcibly binding their life time bond with a stranger. Horoscope match is one of the most important steps, which define the fate of the marriage bond of the bride and groom in India. The bride following a Kokanastha culture carries a sindoor on her forehead as a mark of her marital status. After marriage, as per the Indian society, the Kokanastha Brides have to leave their parental home and live with the family of their husband. The bride and the groom are expected to live their life happily thereafter. Lots of adjustments are to be made by both the bride and groom to keep their marriage cart rolling with full speed. Devotion towards the bond and the urge to make the wedding bond a success is a must. Also, the couple need to have great understanding between them child marriage. Mutual understanding is must, but apart from that amending one's behaviour according to each others family values is an important aspect for a happy wedding. The wedding is said to become successful, if the bride and groom both makes every possible effort to keep away misunderstandings from the bond and stand by each other in toughest of the situations.